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exchange building中文是什么意思

用"exchange building"造句"exchange building"怎么读"exchange building" in a sentence


  • 交换机房


  • Lower ground floor , academic exchange building
  • 4 f , hong kong diamond exchange building 8 - 10 duddell street
    干诺道中168 - 200号信德中心招商局大厦19楼
  • Shanghai telephone exchange building
  • Today the new york stock exchange is the biggest stock exchange in this country and it is located just a few doors away from this original stock exchange building
  • The academic exchange building helps facilitate this goal by providing accommodation for visiting scholars and exchange students and participants in conferences and other activities
  • Xml web services provide the ability for applications to communicate in a loosely coupled environment using predefined message exchanges built around standard protocols such as http , xml , xsd , soap , and wsdl
    在松耦合环境中, xml web services为应用程序提供使用围绕标准协议(例如http 、 xml 、 xsd 、 soap和wsdl )生成的预定义消息交换进行通信的能力。
用"exchange building"造句  
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